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An ALIEN Invasion!

An ALIEN Invasion!

Nov 22, 2023 (Updated on Nov 23, 2023)

Everyone knows the little men that want to probe you. The aliens known as the Grays have captivated the eye of pop culture for decades now. Ever since the Roswell crash, aliens have been a large part of the conspiracy theory world. I mean, every sane person knows that they are always watching.  

The lore behind these aliens is incredibly deep. There are many theories behind what these little dudes might be. Some say they are beings from another planet trying to figure out how humans work. Others suggest that they are humans from the future travelling back in time to save us from ourselves.  

Obviously, nobody truly knows what their deal is. Many skeptics say that this is a worldwide hoax that millions of people simply lie about daily. This mystery goes much deeper than a little hoax though. There are people who believe in entire galactic councils that are controlling the future of humans. They think that the grays are nothing more than biodrones, living things that have no consciousness and exist exclusively to carry out the council's bidding. So basically, the grays are just robots that are working for a much bigger bad guy. The Lizard men.  

Hear me out now, don’t go calling me a wacko just because I'm talking about lizard men and grays. I mean, I am a wacko, but that’s not the point. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the world is completely controlled by lizards that are all wearing skin suits and feeding off the blood of babies to live forever. This is a perfectly normal and realistic idea.

My opinion? I believe the theorists are secretly grizzly bear people. They are all sentient grizzly bears that are trying to take over the world to allow for the pig overlords to rise to power and create a new world order. They are only talking about the grays and lizards to throw the government off their scent. 

There are a lot of people who believe in life outside of earth. I think it's something worth pondering. Plus, aliens are a rad design and I just love the idea of little gray dudes wearing overalls trying to figure out why I have a farmer's tan. I mean, there is for sure a reason that Star Wars and Star Trek are so popular. Imagine if Luke Skywalker was just a guy from earth and never got to train with the awesome alien Yoda. Star Wars would be so boring without Chewy and Jabba. Even the Cosmic Legions toy line is incredible. Their designs are so sick, they’ve got like bug people and grays. Four Horsemen did an awesome job on them. So, what if I believe in aliens? At least I don’t believe in unicorns. Or do I? 

-Caleb Kozak


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